MBTI – False Stereotypes of NTs

  PREVIOUS: SFs Misjudged

CARTOONS from Personality Central

✥ INTP – Emotionless, socially awkward robots

Reality: INTPs favor objective honesty, so can unwittingly offend, not realizing their delivery is too direct & detached. This upsets the INTP because they actually do care about people, & would rather avoid conflict or hurting someone’s feelings. But – since they express caring by being very honest, if they’re ‘sugarcoating’ something, it’s probably a sign they don’t respect you. INTPs are incredibly deep thinkers, & just as capable of deep emotions as anyone, they just aren’t likely to express their feelings.

Also, INTPs re not normally socially awkward & are quite aware of how others see the.  In spite of being definite introverts, they’re perfectly able to use their extroverted intuition (Ne) to interact with the world. If they avoid it it’s usually because they don’t want to, not because they’re afraid or unskilled. Enjoying being social is not the same as being capable of it. In fact they often have strong emotional ties, & can be very warm with those they care about, with a deep connection to things that make them nostalgic.

✥ ENTP – Lazy, arrogant jerks, don’t finish things & can’t commit to anything

Reality: Although ENTPs are very confident, it’s often expressed in the form of humor, so others feel comfortable, & are very warm with loved ones. Under the bravado, they care about being liked, but also enjoy being the center of attention.

ENTPs do FLIT quickly between ideas, because they naturally see a thousand alternate angles to any statement. Their (Ne) wants to explore every perspective & find an idea’s core truth (Ti). It may seem to others that the ENTP is arguing just for the sake of it, but they’re not trying to be difficult or offend – it’s just a deep need to make sure every ideas / rule stands up to scrutiny.

They’re not always interested in following through on their ideas, but are highly motivated to achieve. Because they see so many different possibilities they can execute the best possible path to a goal, with impressive follow-through when setting their mind to something. 

– Logical robots, narcissistic know-it-alls who think everyone else is their intellectual inferior

Reality: Yes, INTJs are definitely aware of their own intelligence – but they’re also radically open-minded – so they’ll listen to another’s point of view, even if they don’t automatically agree with it. Wanting to understand the world, they constantly take in new information, deciding how each piece fits into the puzzle their mind is assembling. Intensely strategic & visionary, they favor rational thought over their own emotions, & confused by people who do the opposite. They’re boldly honest & put off by social niceties that get in the way of the truth.

They’re also capable of caring about & connecting with people, & feel like they’re helping when teaching what they know. While they prefer logic, they do have feelings – which they can be in touch with – they just prefer to ignore them. A with INTPs, INTJs are honest & direct with people they care about, & because they consider it an insult to have messages “sugarcoated” for them, they refuse to do this for others.

✥ ENTJ – Emotionless monsters who will betray or squash anyone on their way to the top

Reality: ENTJs are usually extremely driven, competitive & confident. Though they certainly are alpha dogs, they take social relationships very seriously, & never want to tarnish their good name by going against their word. They’re at ease in power positions, but not good at understanding others’ emotions – impatient with feelings, extraneous details & anyone contradicting their plans. This can intimidate many people, especially anyone more soft-spoken & gentle.

Confidence & Superiority are not the same thing. ENTJs are very concerned with how others see them, not wanting to be thought of as cold.  While skilled at controlling a group, they’re also willing to understand other’s ideas & views – as long as they’re not clouded by emotions or too many details that get in the way of the big picture.
Surprising to many, they can stick up for the underdog, & often go to great lengths to ensure they treat everyone ‘fair & square’, strongly defending those they care about. If an ENTJ is told they’re being harsh & insensitive, they’ll try hard to adjust their behavior.

REFERENCES:  infjediHeidi Priebe & Psychology Junkie  ➡️ (+ more links)

NEXT: NFs misjudged

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