MBTI & Nardi : Brain ACTIVITY (#3)


PREVIOUS: MBTI & Nardi scans #3

SITE:  Brain activity for each MBTI Type


✦ “In ‘Neuroscience of Personality’ I describe a variety of correlations between personality Type & Frequencies & Amplitudes (brain waves).
EXP: The solid bright blue relates to an ‘in Flow’ or waiting state, where all regions of the neocortex are dominated by very high amplitude delta waves. Anyone might show this pattern – the link to type has to do with which tasks or events cause it.

▪︎ Some people show much more activity in the prefrontal than other regions, at least in my lab. Among these are the dominant Extraverted Intuitives (ENFP & ENTP), & most Introvert Types…”

Brain Waves : EMOTIV EEG provides pictures of the 4 frequency bands. Lighter colors show amount of activity.   DELTA = for sleep
THETA = routine problem-solving
ALPHA = limbic-body connection
BETA /GAMMA = insight, learning, excitement

DEF: The “In FLOW” 
map is whole-brained & zen-like, when all regions of the neocortex are in sync, with medium-low frequency & very high-amplitude brain waves. It shows up when someone:
▪︎ engages in a task they’re expert at – or at least imagines they are. (Any type)
▪︎ handles a crisis during role-play (ESTP / ESFP)
▪︎ reviews the past in detail (ISTJ / ISFJ)
▪︎ actively listens to others (INTJ / INFJ)
▪︎ listens to an authority figure (ESTJ)
(More….Slide #10) //  (ALSO…… )

DEF: The “Tennis Hop” shows when all areas of the neocortex are low amplitude & out of sync. It’s a feeling-state requiring little energy, & the shifting frequencies quickly activate whichever areas are needed for a surprise, or incoming task.

DEF: The “Christmas Tree” shows when the neocortex is active all over, which represents cross-contextual thinking. Each area is high amplitude combined with a range of ever-changing frequencies, out-of-sync with others. It’s very energy intensive, & can produce distractions or contradictions.

•  Nardi: “In the EEG, I’ve never seen any Introvert Js (INFJ / INTJ) either college-age or mid-lifer – who meets the criteria for the “Christmas Tree” so common with Ps (ENTP / ENFP, sometimes INTP / INFP). That form of cross-contextual thinking is just not happening in their brain.”

MBTI & Nardi
✔️ Most individuals have 1-2 Low & 1-2 High -threshold functions
Si: Access narrative past, use whole mind to review past events, tent toward rote memorization, repetition, in-depth reviews of daily events
Se: Recall details of recent data with high fdelity, identify objects, gives smooth body motion, calm in tense situations

Ti: Define, categorize, derive solution logically, minimal / optimized use of brain (when function is DOM)
Te: Decision-making, explanation, construct visual images, fabricate / lie, minimal / optimized use of brain (when function is DOM))

Ni: Project into future, draw on entire mind to foresee or determine an answer, weigh many factors at once
Ne: Trans-contextual thinking (linking contexts), analogize, mirror others, mental what-if simulations – “Christmas tree” pattern is typical of Ne Types

Fi: What’s of personal value to oneself, listen with the whole mind, tone of voice
Fe: Attend to how others are responding to self, social appropriateness, attend to words

Brain studies using MBTI data often group results into 4 types.  All quartets performed better than by chance, which suggests there’s more to personality types than limited ‘boxes’. Rather, there’s an underlying set of dynamics. When people share a dynamic, they share brain activity that helps them get along.

✦ “Regarding general intelligence, I’ve met :
INFJs with more accurate mental models & effective definitions than their INTP counterparts sharing the same technical module. Similarly,
▪︎ I can imagine an ESFP having more effective organizing skills than their ESTJ peer & –

▪︎ ENFJs with more effective use of Se than ISTPs with the same module. Some reasons:
– better integration of self & the various functions
– more appropriate environment EXP: Who knows chemist better – an ISFP chemist or an INTP alchemist?)
– a different developmental space or level

✦ With regard to Feeling vs Thinking types, some research into EQ & type, strongly suggested that :
• Fs develop emotional competencies in a particular, steady order, that allows decent coverage of all competencies, while :
▪︎ Ts develop emotional competencies to meet environmental demands, often haphazardly, & so can be quite capable in some emotional areas & severely deficient in others.”
(Feb. 2016 Nardi interview)

NEXT: Nardi brain scans #4

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